居留证件Visa/Stay Permit/Residence Permit



New students holding X1 visa shall apply for a residence permit to the Department of Entry & Exit Administration, Nanjing Public Security Bureau, within 30 days from the date of entry in China. Students with an X2 visa shall secure a visa extension 7 days prior to the expiry of the duration specified in the visa, or apply for a residence permit. Fine imposed on the students whose visa expire shall be calculated by 500 CNY per day. 

需要准备的材料均为A4 纸大小,具体准备事宜如下:

You should prepare the following documents (all documents are to be A4 size paper):

1、办公室领取并填写《外国人签证证件申请表》。 Visa/Stay Permit/Residence Permit Application Form

2、临时住宿登记表1份。 Registration form of temporary residence

3、JW201/JW202 表1份(只适用于首次入境中国的新生)。 A copy of your JW201/JW202. (for new students).

4、体检合格表1份(只适用于首次入境中国的新生)。  A copy of Physical Exam Report (for new students).

5、护照 Passport.


Copies of Passport: front page, visa/valid residence permit page, last airport immigration stamp page.

7、由海外教育学院出具并加盖公章的签证申办公函。 School will issue you an official letter with a stamp for application use.

8、照片1张(2寸白底) A 2-inch white background photo.

9、签证费400元(停留签证约160元)。 Visa/Residence Permit fee: CNY400 (usually CNY160 for a Stay Permit). 


Note: 1. You must pay great attention to the validity of your passport and visa/residence permit. Your passport expiry date MUST be 6 months longer than the residence permit date you are applying for. 2. Visa renewal is usually annual. Both new and continuing students have to come to the office to apply at least 1 month before the visa/residence permit’s expiry date. Material requirement is the same as those mentioned above. In case you have any questions, we strongly suggest you consult the office or relevant office(s) for further clarification. 3. According to China’s laws, overseas students, when going out of campus, must carry passports and other credentials to prove their legal status in China.



南京市公安局出入境河西接待大厅 地址:江东中路265号

南京市江宁区公安分局出入境接待大厅 地址:杨家圩路2号

Address of visa center:

Gulou district: No. 173 Baixia Road

Jianye district: No.265 Middle Jiangdong Road

Jiangning district: No.2 Yangjiawei Road