南京市政府奖学金 Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship



In order to attract and encourage more outstanding foreign students to study and conduct scientific research in Nanjing universities, the Nanjing Municipal Government established the Scholarship for Foreign Students in 2013.

一、奖学金标准 Scholarship Criteria


The scholarship award standard is RMB 10,000 yuan per academic year for undergraduate students.

二、申请条件 Application Requirements

1. 持有外国国籍的公民,对华友好,身体健康。 

2. 遵守中国政府的法律法规,表现良好,符合申请学校的入学条件。

3. 申请人就读本科生,应获得相当于中国高级中学毕业的学历或证书,年龄一般不超过28周岁;

4. 学习态度端正,无违反校纪校规行为,成绩优秀。

5. 未享受其他中国政府性奖学金。

6. 申请人如具有相应汉语水平,并能提供相关证明者(如HSK证书、其他汉语学习和考试证书等),可优先考虑。部分直接用英语授课的专业可适当放宽条件。

1. foreign nationals who are friendly to China and in good health. 

2. Abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government, behave well, and meet the admission requirements of the applicant school.

3. Applicants enrolled in undergraduate programs should have obtained a degree or certificate equivalent to graduation from a senior high school in China and be generally no older than 28 years of age.

4. have a positive attitude towards studies, no violation of school rules and regulations, and have excellent grades.

5. not receiving other Chinese government scholarships.

6. Applicants who have the appropriate Chinese language level and can provide relevant proof (e.g. HSK certificate, other Chinese study and examination certificates, etc.) will be given priority. Some majors that teach directly in English may relax the conditions as appropriate.

三、申请时间 Application Period


March 1 to July 15 every year. Veteran students who pass the annual evaluation of the scholarship can apply continuously in the subsequent academic years.

四、申请材料 Application Materials

1. 《南京市政府外国留学生奖学金申请表》,用中文或英文填写。

2. 经过公证的最高学历或学位证明。非中、英文本需附上经公证的中文或英文的译本。

3. 学习成绩单。非中、英文本需附上经公证的中文或英文的译本。

4. 来宁学习或研究计划。请用中文或英文书写。

5. 申请人如具有相应汉语水平,须提交如HSK证书、其他汉语学习和考试证书等相关材料复印件。

6. 年龄不满18岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件。

7. 《外国人体格检查表》复印件。申请人应严格按照《外国人体格检查表》要求项目进行检查。缺项、未贴本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师和医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查表》无效。检查结果有效期为6个月。

8. 英语授课专业申请者提供TOEFLIELTS成绩证明(母语为英语者无须提供)。

9. 护照复印件。


11. 无犯罪记录证明。




1. Application Form of Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship for Foreign Students, completed in Chinese or English.

2. Notarized certificate of the highest education or degree. A notarized translation of Chinese or English must be attached for non-Chinese or English versions.

3. Academic transcripts. Non-Chinese and English versions must be accompanied by a notarized translation into Chinese or English.

4. Study or research plan for coming to Nanjing. Please write in Chinese or English.

5. If the applicant has the appropriate Chinese language level, he/she must submit copies of relevant documents such as HSK certificates, other Chinese study and examination certificates, etc.

6. Applicants who are under 18 years old must submit relevant legal documents from their legal guardians in China.

7. A copy of the Physical Examination Form for Foreigners.  The Medical Examination Form for Foreigners is invalid if the items are missing, or if the applicant's photo is not affixed or the photo is not stamped with a seal, or if the medical practitioner and hospital do not sign and stamp the form. The examination results are valid for 6 months.

8. Proof of TOEFL or IELTS scores for applicants of English-medium programs (not required for native English speakers).

9. Copy of passport.

10. Bank certificate of deposit. The amount of the certificate of deposit should cover tuition, dormitory fees and living expenses during the school year. It should be issued in the name of the applicant, parents or other guardians.

11. Certificate of no criminal record.

12. Other supporting documents (if any, please provide them, such as award certificates, training certificates, etc.)

When international students who have already received the scholarship apply again in the subsequent academic year, the application procedures and documents can be simplified. The university will conduct the annual evaluation and those who pass the annual evaluation will be awarded the scholarship for the next academic year, otherwise the scholarship qualification will be cancelled.

The application materials submitted by the applicants will not be returned.

五、申请方法 Application Method


Applicants should log in the online application system of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University for international students, register their accounts, and fill in and submit the application materials online. Please select China Local Government Scholarship for the scholarship program.

六、录取及通知 Acceptance and notification

1. 南京晓庄学院对申请材料进行审核并录取符合条件者。

2. 学校将《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)及其他辅助材料交付邮寄给奖学金获得者。

3. 奖学金获得者来华后不得变更《录取通知书》上的学习专业及学习期限; 须先交纳学费(本科生1.2万元-1.4万元/学年)奖学金将于入学当年发放

4. 奖学金获得者须参加年度评审。


1. Nanjing Xiaozhuang University will review the application materials and accept the qualified applicants.

2. The university will send the scholarship recipient the Letter of Acceptance, the Visa Application Form for Foreign Students to China (Form JW202) and other supporting documents by mail .

3. Scholarship recipients are not allowed to change the major and duration of study as stated in the Letter of Acceptance after coming to China; they are required to pay tuition fees (RMB 12,000 - 14,000 yuan per year for undergraduate students) in advance, and the scholarship will be paid in the year of admission.

4. Scholarship recipients are required to participate in the annual evaluation.

5. Scholarship status will not be retained for those who cannot come to study in China according to the admission deadline.